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- Date: Tue, 4 Oct 94 11:34:05 PDT
- From: The Info-Mac Moderators <info-mac-request@sumex-aim.stanford.edu>
- Reply-To: Info-Mac@sumex-aim.stanford.edu
- Subject: Info-Mac Digest V12 #131
- To: info-mac-list
- Info-Mac Digest Tue, 4 Oct 94 Volume 12 : Issue 131
- Today's Topics:
- [*] AutoShutD & Manual; automatic and remote shutdown of Macs
- [*] CC Converter 1.2; a Current Contents utility
- [*] CD Catalog 1.1 - Update of FileMaker Pro File
- [*] CD Directory 1.0a1; a FileMaker Pro database
- [*] CDEF-FJCI (two control definitions with source code)
- [*] CD Playthrough 1.5; direct access to sound input settings
- [*] clipfolio10.sea.hqx [a clipboard enhancement cdev]
- [*] CMaster 2 Demo Disk and update; a Think C utility
- [*] Corinth Isle III - Bolo Map
- [*] csmp-digest-v3-062
- [*] DavesFaveShareware.sit.hqx - Mac Game reviews
- [*] dead-end-112; a game
- [*] DNA Sequence Analysis/Demo Program
- [*] DX7 Librarian 1.1.1; a MIDI utility
- [*] Greg's Buttons 3.5.1; beautifies dialog buttons
- [*] Infini-D Animation Assistants API
- [*] Isotope Pattern Calculator v1.6.5
- [*] LisasTexturesGrp5; more Wallpaper desktopm patterns
- [*] Macintosh Models List
- [*] Macintosh shareware fax program- new version
- [*] macpost-112-client-us; a mail client
- [*] MacTCP Watcher 1.1.2; a MacTCP diagnostic tool
- [*] Mombasa1.5; a tile-matching game
- [*] MPEG players for PowerMacs
- [*] OutOfPhase 1.02; digital music synthesis utility
- [*] Porsche; a startup screen
- [*] Poster 1.01; a single-page layout program
- [*] QuickTime 2.0 MIDI Capability Demo
- [*] RoadShow v1.0.1; a Newton settings utility
- [*] SendAEData 1.1 XCMD; sends Apple Events
- [*] ShrinkWrap 1.1.2; a disk image utility
- [*] triangle solver v1.3; a geometry aid
- [*] UltraDice 1.1.4; a dice game
- [*] VRAMPatterns 16-bit desktop patterns
- [*] WolfensteinCheater; for Wolfenstein 3D
- [*] ZoneRanger 1.2; a heap zone tool
- 7.5 apple menu options SLOOOOWWW!?!
- [A] Looking for a (logical symbol) Font
- [A] Need help with MacX/MacTCP
- [Q] non-auto-mount partitions get mounted
- After Dark Fish/Toaster editor ... animation
- Alternative StyleWriter II Cartridge
- A TIA question
- Audio Software Suggestions Requested
- Calendar Question
- can't eject SyQuest disks with File Sharing on
- cheapest laswer printer wit
- Correction re LaserWriter Pro 630
- DSP 660AV
- Geoports
- Gremlins...
- Help with remote freeze?
- Info-Mac Digest V12 #113
- Info-Mac Digest V12 #130
- Laserwriter Pro 630 opinions wanted (reply)
- loading image in MacWeb
- Looking for a Font [A]
- Looking for a program...
- Looking for MailSlot
- Looking for thumbnail icon maker s/w?
- Maclink (version 8 when???)
- MacMakeIndex and TeX software
- Mac OS v7.5
- MacTCP Interface
- More on the RamDoubler conflicts with PPC6100
- PowerTalk on an Powermac/AV (Q)
- Program to read forms ? [Q]
- RamDoubler problems resolved with 1.51 updater
- retail addresses in Dallas, Texas.
- Statistics--What Are the Best Programs?
- TurboGopher (2 msgs)
- Virtual Memory Conundrum (A) (2 msgs)
- Will GeoPort support 28K8 speed?
- The Info-Mac Network operates by the volunteer efforts of:
- Bill Lipa, Gordon Watts, Liam Breck, Igor Livshits, Adam C. Engst
- The Info-Mac Archive is available at 50 public and private sites around
- the world. For the site list, request it by mail (see below), or try:
- gopher://sumex-aim.stanford.edu/info-mac/help/mirror-list.txt
- Also accessible by ftp. Help files and indexes are also in info-mac/help/.
- Mail articles for publication in the digest to info-mac@sumex-aim.stanford.edu
- Mail files for inclusion in the archives to macgifts@sumex-aim.stanford.edu
- Mail administrative queries and info to info-mac-request@sumex-aim.stanford.edu
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Date: Mon, 03 Oct 1994 20:48:10 CET
- From: Hans.Kurmann@qmail.tik.ethz.ch (Hans Kurmann)
- Subject: [*] AutoShutD & Manual; automatic and remote shutdown of Macs
- Please find enclosed an application program for saving energy and time.
- AutoShutD enables shutting down and starting macs locally and remotely.
- It's new feature is that it's an application and not an Init.
- The Archive consits of a Folder including 4 files:
- - AutoShutD (application program)
- - AutoShutD Manual (a full SimpleText documentation)
- - shortInfo (a few sentences about the use of AutoShutD)
- - Icon (ths folder'sicon)
- AutoShutD is freeWare and may (should) be distributed freely.
- Best regards
- Hans Kurmann
- E-mail: kurmann@tik.ethz.ch
- [Archived as /info-mac/cfg/auto-shut-d.hqx; 316K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Mon, 3 Oct 1994 22:00:11 +1000
- From: Kevin.Sanderson@path.utas.edu.au (Kevin Sanderson)
- Subject: [*] CC Converter 1.2; a Current Contents utility
- CC converter is a utility that converts information downloaded from the
- online CAUL Current Contents database in Australia into Refer/BibIX format
- so it can be imported by bibliographic programs such as EndNote and
- ProCite.
- This version adds support for plain text download files.
- Kev Kevin.Sanderson@path.utas.edu.au
- [Archived as /info-mac/cmp/cc-converter-12.hqx; 80K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Mon, 03 Oct 1994 16:47:36 -0500 (CDT)
- From: Benjamin Goldstein <FQM6448@vx.cis.umn.edu>
- Subject: [*] CD Catalog 1.1 - Update of FileMaker Pro File
- The CD Catalog is a simple yet powerful database to catalog your Compact
- Discs.
- It was made with FileMaker Pro version 2.1, you need the program to use it.
- Not only may you search and print lists of your CD collection; but you can
- generate reports and lists for specific categories of CDUs, such as only your
- CDs that are Soundtracks or are longer than 65 minutes.
- This can be included on the sume CD-ROM
- [Archived as /info-mac/app/cd-catalog-11-fmpro.hqx; 132K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Sun, 2 Oct 1994 14:53:40 EDT
- From: "Jeffrey N. Fritz" <JFRITZ%WVNVM.BITNET@Forsythe.Stanford.EDU>
- Subject: [*] CD Directory 1.0a1; a FileMaker Pro database
- CD Directory is a FileMaker Pro 2.1 database for keeping
- track of your valuable CD collection--a task that is
- normally a pain. CD Directory makes that task much easier
- by importing the CD information entered when you use
- Apple Computer's "AppleCD Audio Player" or similar software.
- CD Directory features a highly graphical interface, the ability
- to automatically copy CD titles, artist and tracks into other
- applications. It is designed to help you keep an up to date
- copy of your current CD collection.
- CD Directory is shareware. Try it free for 30 days. If you
- like it and want to continue using it, please send $5.00 to
- the address above. If you don't like it--thats okay. Pass
- it on or trash it.
- Of course, youll want to customize things. To customize CD
- Directory youll need the password that I will send to you when
- you send in your shareware fee to register the directory. (Include
- your e-mail address for faster response.)
- See the read me file for information on how to use CD Directory.
- CD Directory is the property of Jeffrey N. Fritz and I retain
- all rights to its design.
- Jeffrey Fritz
- jfritz@wvnvm.wvnet.edu
- West Virginia University
- [Archived as /info-mac/app/cd-directory-10a1-fmpro.hqx; 45K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Mon, 3 Oct 94 13:20:03 CDT
- From: bobs@saintjoe.edu (Bob Schenk)
- Subject: [*] CDEF-FJCI (two control definitions with source code)
- Attached is CDEF-FJCI, a folder containing two control definitions with
- source code in FutureBASIC, the only serious BASIC for the Macintosh.
- One is a simple up/down arrow, the other a five-icon button. Included
- is a demo which shows how they work and also puts in a plug for two
- CD-ROMs of typefaces I designed.
- These files may be included on CD-ROM collections as long as no
- changes are made to them.
- Robert Schenk
- bobs@saintjoe.edu
- PS The FJCI stands for "From Jasper County Indiana."
- [Archived as /info-mac/dev/src/cdef-fjci-fb.hqx; 97K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Mon, 3 Oct 1994 02:36:38 -0700
- From: James Wang <jwang@CSUA.Berkeley.EDU>
- Subject: [*] CD Playthrough 1.5; direct access to sound input settings
- CD Playthrough is a freeware program that no owner of a 660AV, 840AV, or
- Power Mac with internal CD should do without. The "user" mode of this
- program bypasses the Sound control panel to do three things, if possible:
- 1) set the sound input source to the internal CD,
- 2) maximize playthrough volume level, and
- 3) change the sound out rate to 44.1 kHz
- (thanks a million to Gary Anwyl, anwyl@apple.com)
- CD Playthrough can also reset to what I call the "system" mode, whose
- various settings are required for PlainTalk Speech Recognition, GeoPort
- Express Modem, and Apple Phone operation:
- 1) microphone as the sound input source,
- 2) playthrough turned off, and
- 3) sound out rate at 22.050 kHz on a Power Mac,
- or 24.000 kHz on a 660AV or 840AV.
- Finally, the "user" mode is so named since copies of CD Playthrough can be
- redefined with different settings, as desired by the user - you.
- [Archived as /info-mac/cfg/cd-playthrough-15.hqx; 38K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Sun, 02 Oct 94 18:29:05 -0700
- From: "Eric Stadtherr" <ericstad@netcom.com>
- Subject: [*] clipfolio10.sea.hqx [a clipboard enhancement cdev]
- Clipfolio watches your work and every time you cut or copy
- information to the clipboard, Clipfolio copies that information. Your
- information is saved and you can come back later to use it over and
- over while you continue copying new stuff (which is also being saved).
- Clipfolio will save up to 20 of your most recent cuts or copies.
- Automatically!
- When you want to access something that Clipfolio has saved,
- simply bring up Clipfolio's window and select the desired item. It
- will be put back on the clipboard in its original form!
- Designed and written by Eric Stadtherr and Eric Roccasecca.
- [Archived as /info-mac/gui/clipfolio-10.hqx; 84K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Sun, 02 Oct 94 14:13:06 -0500
- From: Fred Terry <pfterry@lks.csi.com>
- Subject: [*] CMaster 2 Demo Disk and update; a Think C utility
- The attached file contains the complete CMaster* 2 Demo disk. It
- includes a full-featured demo copy of CMaster 2.0.3, an external
- developer kit, and information on using its AppleScript and Glossary
- features. The CMaster 2 Demo does not save preference changes when you
- close a project, and after an hour or so starts asking you from time
- to time if you'd like to purchase the product.
- CMaster enhances the THINK Project Manager environment, and interworks
- with THINK C 5.0.4 or newer, and Symantec C++ for Macintosh version 6
- and 7. You install it once into THINK PM, and from then on you can use
- it whenever you have a project open. Some of CMaster's more popular
- features are its Function and Marker menu, stack-based clipboards, a
- function prototyping tool, and Glossaries. You access the feature set
- using icons in a MacDraw-like icon bar, from drop down menus in window
- title bars, or from the keyboard (CMaster lets you assign single or
- Escape-key keystrokes).
- Jersey Scientific, Inc *CMaster is a registered trademark of Jersey
- Scientific Inc.
- [Archived as /info-mac/dev/cmaster-203-demo.hqx; 748K]
- [Archived as /info-mac/dev/cmaster-203-updt.hqx; 136K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Sun, 02 Oct 1994 22:05:07 -0400 (EDT)
- From: ESSOTERIC@delphi.com
- Subject: [*] Corinth Isle III - Bolo Map
- Corinth Isle III is a map used to play Bolo by Esoteric
- Software, P.O. Box 744, Falls Church, VA 22040 or
- craig.shoemaker@tcs.wap.org or essoteric@delphi.com (note the
- two 's' characters in the internet address of the later) or
- by phone (703) 532-6981.
- [Archived as /info-mac/game/bolo/corinth-isle-iii-maps.hqx; 668K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Tue, 4 Oct 1994 02:13:22 +0100 (MET)
- From: pottier@clipper.ens.fr (Francois Pottier)
- Subject: [*] csmp-digest-v3-062
- C.S.M.P. Digest Tue, 04 Oct 94 Volume 3 : Issue 62
- Today's Topics:
- (Q)Patched Traps and extention conflicts
- HELP: How does one make a GWorld for printing?
- How to call a C type code resource?
- Is there a reasonable alternative to BalloonWriter?
- Need help with MDEF UPP Question
- OpenDoc Development Environments?
- Q: Getting errors out of threads?
- Shared Memory on Mac
- Window Lists
- preloaded CODE resources in fat binaries
- The Comp.Sys.Mac.Programmer Digest is moderated by Francois Pottier
- (pottier@clipper.ens.fr).
- [Archived as /info-mac/per/csmp/csmp-v3-062.txt; 118K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Sun, 2 Oct 1994 11:13:39 -0700
- From: fowell@netcom.com (Richard A. Fowell)
- Subject: [*] DavesFaveShareware.sit.hqx - Mac Game reviews
- A September 1994 compilation of reviews of the author's favorite
- shareware games. Freeware, DocMaker document. Produced by:
- David Slattery
- [Archived as /info-mac/info/sft/daves-fave-shareware-94-09.hqx; 1156K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Mon, 3 Oct 1994 11:19:38 +0100
- From: thaller@balu.kfunigraz.ac.at
- Subject: [*] dead-end-112; a game
- DeadEnd is a $10-shareware program written by my son Wolfgang Thaller.
- DeadEnd is a fun thought provoking game. It is your goal to find a path out
- of the dungeon by pushing massive blocks of stone out of your way. This is
- a very tricky task because the stones are so heavy that you can move them
- only one by one and you need space to step back and run. You have to
- develop a strategy to move the pieces in the correct order, otherwise the
- stones will block the way to the exit. A piece pushed to the wrong place
- could become an obstacle for removing another block from your path. There
- are 34 levels of increasing difficulty. Blocks with special properties may
- appear at higher levels. Enjoy!
- Tested with System 7.0 and 7.1 on a number of different Macs (SE, Mac II,
- Centris, Quadra). Should work with 6.07. It works best with 14'' (or
- larger) monitors set to 256 colors, but it also runs in black and white.
- Version 1.1.2 has a better animation (improved performance for 16 colors)
- and 4 additional levels.
- [Archived as /info-mac/game/dead-end-112.hqx; 377K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: 02 Oct 1994 11:33:38 -0500 (EST)
- Subject: [*] DNA Sequence Analysis/Demo Program
- CAD Gene is a novel program of interest to molecular
- biologists and to all scientists who use the techniques of
- DNA cloning in their work. It applies the powerful
- tools of computer-aided-design and the interactive-graphical
- Macintosh interface to the problems of cloning project design.
- CAD Gene runs on the Apple Macintosh. It requires System 4.1
- or later and Finder 5.3 or later. It is 32-bit clean, and is
- compatible with System 7 and the Power Macintosh. To use the
- tutorial file distributed with this demo, a word processing
- program capable of reading Microsoft Word 5.x files is
- needed.
- [Archived as /info-mac/sci/cad-gene-20-demo.hqx; 690K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Mon, 3 Oct 1994 13:43:18 +0900
- From: setsu@lab2.yamaha.co.jp (Takashi
- Suszuki/=?ISO-2022-JP?B?GyRCTmtMWk40O0obKEI=?=)
- Subject: [*] DX7 Librarian 1.1.1; a MIDI utility
- DX7 Librarian is an application for the Macintosh which allows you
- to make up library of voice data for DX7. One window has one voice
- data, and you can open windows as many as you want.
- When this application receives bulk dump MIDI data, new window will
- open and show you it's parameter. You can keep 32 voices in one file,
- so it's easy to replace DX7's internal 32 voices.
- Apple Script recordable.
- What's changed in 1.1.1:
- Changed developing platform to CodeWarrior C/C++ 68K/PPC 1.1.
- Fixed auto connection to modem port bug.
- Changed some of Algorithm pictures.
- Requirement :
- System7 + QuickTime or System7.1
- Apple MIDI Manager or OMS
- Save Protected.
- Takashi Suzuki
- [Archived as /info-mac/snd/util/dx7-librarian-111.hqx; 216K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Sat, 01 Oct 1994 23:09:03 EST
- From: Files_Admin@mail.magic.ca
- Subject: [*] Greg's Buttons 3.5.1; beautifies dialog buttons
- Greg's Buttons 3.5.1 (3 October 1994) (c)1991-94 Gregory D. Landweber
- Internet: greg@math.harvard.edu ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
- CompuServe: 73131,3326 REGISTRATION FEE: US $15 or UK L10
- Do you think your Mac's interface looks flat and boring? Do you wonder why
- the push buttons are still in black and white, while the scroll bars and
- windows are shaded with color tinges? Are your eyes tired of staring at
- white windows? Does the blocky Chicago font get you down? Maybe you just
- yearn for a red stop sign. If so, then you should try Greg's Buttons. If
- not, you should still try Greg's Buttons, and after a week or two you'll be
- shocked by how plain your Mac looks without it!
- Greg's Buttons is a control panel and requires System 7 and Color
- QuickDraw.
- It works fine with both color and gray-scale monitors, and although it will
- still work on a black and white screen, the effect will not be as
- impressive.
- Greg's Buttons is a "fat binary", containing both 680x0 and PowerPC code
- for optimal performance on both Macintosh and Power Macintosh computers.
- [Archived as /info-mac/gui/gregs-buttons-351.hqx; 84K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Sun, 2 Oct 94 15:13:28 PDT
- From: gabe@ucsd.edu (Gabriel Lawrence)
- Subject: [*] Infini-D Animation Assistants API
- The attached stuffit archive includes documentation on the Animation
- Assistant API for Infini-D Speculars 2-D rendering/animation software. It
- includes two sample Animation Assistant projects in Think C format.
- thanx
- -gabe
- [Archived as /info-mac/dev/animation-assistant-26-api.hqx; 28K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Sun, 2 Oct 94 12:36 +1300
- From: JANNINE@waikato.ac.nz
- Subject: [*] Isotope Pattern Calculator v1.6.5
- This a shareware program which I wrote to calculate Isotopic Ratio
- Patterns for molecular fragments. We have used it here at Waikato
- for awhile now and there doesn't appear to be any problems with it
- ( although nothing is bug free ). Full online help is available.
- This fixed display problems found on B&W monitors and a couple of
- typo's in the abundance data.
- This should be archived under science or chemistry and should replace
- version 1.6.4 or 1.6.5d1 in your archive.
- -- Les Arnold.
- [Archived as /info-mac/sci/isotope-pattern-calculator-165.hqx; 110K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Sun, 2 Oct 94 16:01:58 -0500
- From: "Lisa T. Snyder" <lynliss@mixolydian.MV.COM>
- Subject: [*] LisasTexturesGrp5; more Wallpaper desktopm patterns
- These are my latest Wallpaper patterns to use with Wallpaper.
- Included are a few holiday patterns for Halloween, Thanksgiving and
- Christmas. To use with other programs, try WPAT2PPAT, a great
- shareware program or ClickChange, a commercial program.
- Also included is a small Doc-Maker document that tells all about what
- I do.
- All my patterns are freeware, or should I say comment ware. Let me
- know what you think!
- Lisa Snyder
- Lynliss@mixolydian.mv.com
- 10A Green St. Apt. 1
- Nashua, NH. 03060-2640
- [Archived as /info-mac/gui/grf/lisas-textures-grp5.hqx; 486K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Mon, 3 Oct 1994 17:28:33 -0400 (EDT)
- From: "J. D. Sterling Babcock" <jdsb@ee.duke.edu>
- Subject: [*] Macintosh Models List
- Dear Readers:
- Here is an update to the Macintosh Models List (AKA Mac Facts II).
- About this file:
- This is the Macintosh Models List (AKA Mac Facts II). It is a list
- of all the Apple Macintosh models, past, present, and future. The list
- provides as much information on each model that can fit on two lines.
- The attached Model List III has old Speedometer 3.11 speed ratings.
- I am looking for someone to update and maintain ML III.
- I may just drop the speed ratings soon (ML III).
- Requested information:
- 1. If you see an underscore as an entry (not a dash), I am missing that
- information. I would appreciate any corrections or additions.
- 2. What is the overall speed of the new macintoshes?
- Two column format: There are two tables per model so that each model has two
- lines of information. Note that I still stick to the 80 column wide format
- for easy viewing on terminal screens. You may choose to print it out on Unix
- using enscript -2rl or format it in a word processor as two columns so that
- the lines match up.
- Please email any corrections or additions to jdsb@ee.duke.edu.
- Also please let me know if you want to be removed from the mailing list.
- Sterling
- [Archived as /info-mac/info/hdwr/mac-facts-ii-94-10-03.txt; 58K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Sun, 2 Oct 1994 17:08:26 -0700 (PDT)
- From: Pancomm <valuefax@netcom.com>
- Subject: [*] Macintosh shareware fax program- new version
- ValueFax is the first shareware fax program for the Macintosh.
- This is a commercial quality, full function product with QuickFax,
- fax driver, full reception and conversion of the fax in background,
- installer, and an online manual. Versions of this product have
- been shipping commercially under different names for several years.
- The basic product has been thoroughly tested in a variety of Mac
- configurations using a variety of Class 1 and Class 2 modems (this
- product will not work with modems that support Class 2.0 only or
- with Apple's express modems or with Apple's Geoport modems).
- [Archived as /info-mac/app/value-fax.hqx; 689K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Mon, 3 Oct 94 16:58:30 +0100
- From: "Roland Mansson, LDC" <Roland.Mansson@LDC.lu.se>
- Subject: [*] macpost-112-client-us; a mail client
- MacPost is an easy to use e-mail system for Macintosh. It requires a
- dedicated server, which talks SMTP to the outside world. The server and
- the clients communicate via AppleTalk. See the included docs for more
- info.
- MacPost is developed by Lund University Computing Center, Sweden. Latest
- versions, source code, and a localized Swedish client are available at
- ftp.lu.se.
- Roland Mansson, Lund University Computing Center
- [Archived as /info-mac/comm/tcp/mail/mac-post-client-us-112.hqx; 785K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Sat, 1 Oct 1994 15:57:45 -0600
- From: parkj@rainbow.rmii.com (John R. Park)
- Subject: [*] MacTCP Watcher 1.1.2; a MacTCP diagnostic tool
- Attached please find MacTCP Watcher 1.1.2. Following are the
- release notes. Please note I am NOT the author.
- MacTCP Watcher v1.1.2 displays the internal data of MacTCP. It shows
- this Mac's IP, DNS name, and all the internal information that MacTCP
- provides (much of which I don't understand, so please don't ask me
- what it means!). It will also list all the currently open TCP connections,
- and the information on each of them. As well, it allows you to test
- MacTCP and your network, using the ICMP Ping protocol, the UDP & TCP
- Echo protocols (you'll need a machine that supports the echo protocol,
- most unix machines do, and I've implemented them in MacTCP Watcher,
- so you can run the program on two Macs and test the network between
- them as well as the MacTCP configuration on each of them), and it
- tests out the DNS by looking up the name of a given IP or IP of a given
- name. It should be useful to people having MacTCP configuration troubles,
- network or Domain Name System problems, or the cronically curious.
- MacTCP Watcher is free, and comes with a free copy of Eric Behr's
- MacTCP Info document (thanks Eric!), so if you have MacTCP problems,
- check it out.
- [Archived as /info-mac/comm/tcp/mactcp-watcher-112.hqx; 110K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Sun, 2 Oct 1994 11:36:44 -0700
- From: fowell@netcom.com (Richard A. Fowell)
- Subject: [*] Mombasa1.5; a tile-matching game
- A great tile-matching game of the Gunshy/Shanghai genre.
- This version (1.5) adds color. You can define your own
- tile sets and tableaux. Shareware from Glenn R. Wichman -
- pogo@eworld.com. September 1994
- [Archived as /info-mac/game/mombasa-15.hqx; 199K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Mon, 3 Oct 1994 12:51:23 +0100
- From: menes@statistik.tu-muenchen.de (Rainer Menes)
- Subject: [*] MPEG players for PowerMacs
- Dear user,
- In this distribution you will find two tools to play MPEG movies. Both
- tools are PowerPC only version. From my point of view it doesn't make
- sence to support the old 68k Mac because they are to slow even for the
- small MPEG's, and I don't have access to any 68K Mac so no testing could
- been done. For those of you have such a Mac Sparkle 2.x is the way to go.
- You will be able to ftp it from all major ftp sites with Mac software.
- Both MPEG players are P O S T C A R D W A R E!!!!, this means if you use
- this tools you should send me a postcard, thats all!!! If you give me
- your email address I will inform you personaly about new version in the
- future.
- I think postcardware is the easiest way to support a product, its cheap
- and fast.
- Postal address:
- Rainer Menes
- Aumuehle 1
- 82275 Emmering
- Germany
- [Archived as /info-mac/grf/util/mpeg-players-ppc.hqx; 134K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Sat, 1 Oct 94 14:25:48 CDT
- From: lawrence@csrd.uiuc.edu (Thomas R. Lawrence)
- Subject: [*] OutOfPhase 1.02; digital music synthesis utility
- This program requires System 7 and a 68020. A floating point
- unit is strongly recommended.
- OutOfPhase is a program for digital music synthesis with the
- following features:
- - GNU licensed
- - Unlimited number of instruments, tracks, simultaneous notes
- - Sampled and indexed wave table driven synthesis
- - Parameters controlled by envelopes
- - Built in programming language for waveform construction
- - High quality output (16-bit stereo 48kHz possible)
- Direct all correspondence and bug reports to:
- tomlaw@world.std.com
- [Archived as /info-mac/snd/util/out-of-phase-102.hqx; 933K]
- [Archived as /info-mac/snd/util/out-of-phase-102-nofpu.hqx; 948K]
- [Archived as /info-mac/dev/src/out-of-phase-102-c.hqx; 1529K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Sun, 02 Oct 1994 18:03:32 -0600
- From: pedrojr@utxvms.cc.utexas.edu (Pedro Terroba Jr.)
- Subject: [*] Porsche; a startup screen
- This is a startupscreen of a Porsche over water and in the forground of a
- Mountain. It will look best on a 14" moniter with thousands of colors.
- Thanks PJT
- [Archived as /info-mac/grf/mountain-porsche.hqx; 186K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Mon, 3 Oct 1994 15:55:17 -0500
- From: joenico@netcom.com (Michael O'Neil)
- Subject: [*] Poster 1.01; a single-page layout program
- This is a single-page layout program. It uses the Quickdraw-GX font
- architecture. It was written by Mike Reed, not myself.
- [Archived as /info-mac/app/poster-101.hqx; 72K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Fri, 30 Sep 94 22:51:55 EDT
- From: mhayes@butyng.bu.edu (Mark Hayes)
- Subject: [*] QuickTime 2.0 MIDI Capability Demo
- QuickTime 2.0, a component of System 7.5, includes MIDI support
- that lets a 'MooV' soundtrack either drive an external synth
- or play through the Mac speaker using the voices contained in
- the file 'QuickTime Musical Instruments'. Here is a little demo
- of this wonderful new capability, which will allow (among other
- things) composers around the world to exchange MIDI files which
- can be played using nothing but standard system software - no
- synth required! - and which will sound exactly the same on
- any system. And they sound *good* - the attached demo uses
- the 'Grand Piano' instrument, and it sounds pretty darn close
- to one. (The piece, by the way, is by myself, and entitled
- 'Ambitious Melody'. Copyright 1994 Mark Hayes, All Rights Reserved.)
- [Archived as /info-mac/grf/qt/qt20-midi-demo.hqx; 8K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Mon, 3 Oct 1994 15:29:29 -0500
- From: FARWEST@applelink.apple.com (FarWest Software, G Kratz,CAS)
- Subject: [*] RoadShow v1.0.1; a Newton settings utility
- RoadShow v1.0.1 is a free Newton app for setting
- - volume
- - sound effects
- - sleep time
- - default system beep
- depending on whether you are "on the road" (on batteries) or "at home" (plugged
- into an AC adapter). The package includes a user's guide in Word format.
- Version 1.0.1 fixes a bug found in newer Newton models. In version 1.0,
- RoadShow would crash when the user attempted to change the default system
- beep.
- Enjoy!
- [Archived as /info-mac/nwt/util/road-show-101.hqx; 30K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Mon, 03 Oct 94 15:01:24 EDT
- From: Maveric9@aol.com
- Subject: [*] SendAEData 1.1 XCMD; sends Apple Events
- Description
- SendAEData is a simple, yet powerful XCMD that can send an AppleEvent with at
- least 60,000 chars of data to any other program. You specify the target
- application, the event class and ID and the data that you want to send.
- Version 1.1
- Requires HyperCard 2.1 or Double-XX 1.0.2 or greater, and System 7.
- Brian Blood
- Maveric9@aol.com
- [Archived as /info-mac/card/send-ae-data-11-xcdm.hqx; 13K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Mon, 3 Oct 1994 01:25:58 +0100
- From: chad@halcyon.com (Chad Magendanz)
- Subject: [*] ShrinkWrap 1.1.2; a disk image utility
- Version History
- Version 1.1.2 - 3 Oct 1994
- - Adds full support for machines with 256K ROMs. Now runs on anything
- newer than a Plus.
- - Provides checksum data when you verify image files.
- - Adds DiskCopy resource to allow you to view checksums in the Finder's
- Get Info dialog.
- - No longer chokes on unformatted disks.
- ShrinkWrap is a freeware utility made to manage Apple disk images. It
- incorporates the functionality of DiskCopy and MountImage into one 80K drag
- and drop application, then does them one better by adding on-the-fly
- compression/decompression with the StuffIt Engine.
- [Archived as /info-mac/disk/shrink-wrap-112.hqx; 67K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Mon, 3 Oct 94 09:13:36 -0400 (EST)
- From: David@Johnson.dublin.MV.COM (David Johnson)
- Subject: [*] triangle solver v1.3; a geometry aid
- Triangle Solver v1.3
- If you provide sufficient information Triangle Solver will complete
- the unknown angles and lengths of a triangle aswell as the area of
- the Triangle.
- Triangle Solver will complete any SAA, SSA, SSS, ASA and some SAS
- triangles.
- Note: Triangle solver will solve for only one set of answers for a
- SSA (the ambiguous case) triangle if it has two sets of answers.
- You need *Microsoft Excel 4.0* or a program that can convert Excel
- 4 documents.
- [Archived as /info-mac/sci/triangle-solver-13-excel.hqx; 26K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Sun, 2 Oct 1994 18:43:50 -0700 (MST)
- From: Jacob Weber <rweber@GAS.UUG.Arizona.EDU>
- Subject: [*] UltraDice 1.1.4; a dice game
- This is UltraDice, a computer version of the classic poker
- dice game Yacht (or Yahtzee), with colored dice and sound
- effects. Shareware: $15.
- NOTE: This game was formerly called UltraYahtzee.
- Jacob Weber
- Internet: rweber@gas.uug.arizona.edu
- CompuServe: 72303,3540
- [Archived as /info-mac/game/ultra-dice-114.hqx; 138K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Tue, 4 Oct 1994 09:56:03 -0400
- From: Jay Kasberger <bio3jlk@cabell.vcu.edu>
- Subject: [*] VRAMPatterns 16-bit desktop patterns
- Administrators and users of Info-Mac:
- VRAMPatterns is a set of desktop patterns which take advantage of monitors
- with 16-bit color or better. Some of the textures look fine on 8-bit color
- as well. To install these textures, users will need System 7.0 or higher, a
- Mac II, LC or better, and a utility to install desktop textures such as
- Texture Installer (recommended - others may not work).
- Jay Kasberger bio3jlk@cabell.vcu.edu
- [Archived as /info-mac/gui/grf/vram-textures.hqx; 250K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Sun, 2 Oct 1994 00:06:09 -0600
- From: haynes@axe.asel.udel.edu (Carl Haynes)
- Subject: [*] WolfensteinCheater; for Wolfenstein 3D
- Wolfenstein Cheater 1.0 is an extension which adds an extra menu called
- "Cheat" to Wolfenstein 3D. You can use the menu to activate cheats rather
- than typing them in by hand. I've include all the cheats od which I'm aware
- and ask that if you know of any others, please send them to me to be
- included in the next version. Wolfenstein Cheater 1.0 is freeware.
- carl
- haynes@asel.udel.edu
- [Archived as /info-mac/game/arc/wolfenstein-cheater-10.hqx; 8K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Mon, 3 Oct 1994 11:40:51 -0500
- From: golub@pac002.sgi.siemens.com (Joshua Golub 708-304-7573)
- Subject: [*] ZoneRanger 1.2; a heap zone tool
- ZoneRanger provides detailed information about each heap zone
- that is currently active on the Macintosh. This information
- includes both the counts and total sizes of the free blocks,
- pointers, handles, locked handles, purgeable handles, and
- resource handles in each heap zone.
- ZoneRanger also provides windows in which a heap zone can be
- displayed graphically, with the size, type, and attributes of
- each block clearly defined. The user can control the resolution
- and zoom factor of this display, as well as click on any
- individual block to view its contents.
- ZoneRanger can save to a TEXT file the detailed information
- about all blocks in a given heap zone, or summary information
- about all active heap zones. The graphical display of any heap
- zone can also be saved to a PICT file.
- [Archived as /info-mac/dev/zone-ranger-12.hqx; 271K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Mon, 3 Oct 1994 18:39:51 -0700
- From: mschrae@uvvm.uvic.ca (m.c. schraefel)
- Subject: 7.5 apple menu options SLOOOOWWW!?!
- >Date: Mon, 03 Oct 1994 18:27:28 -0700
- >From: mc@c2.org (-=mc=-)
- >To: mc@infinity.c2.org
- >Subject: 7.5 apple menu options SLOOOOWWW!?!
- >Organization: berkeley-nexus
- >
- >howdie
- >
- >after installing system 7.5 and going thru the desktop rebuild promised by
- >macintosh easy open, i'm amazed at one final kink left in the system:
- >
- >the hierarchical menu,(the control apnel)
- >apple menu options
- >
- >slows my system's reaction time in a way i've never experienced. and yes,
- >it's what's causing the problem.
- >
- >what happens:
- >
- >click on an icon and wait 5-7 seconds to see it greyed. go to move
- >something, same painful wait for the interface to catch up.
- >
- >anyone else experiencing this or have a fix for it?
- >in the meantime, i've reinstalled a third party hierarchical apple menu
- >program.
- >
- >thanks for the help
- >
- >mc
- ------------------------------
- Date: Tue, 4 Oct 94 10:46:44 MST
- From: jlundell@skull.opus.com (Jonathan Lundell)
- Subject: [A] Looking for a (logical symbol) Font
- > I'm looking for a math font that includes the following five symbols:
- >
- > logical and (looks like a "V")
- > logical or (looks like an upside down "V")
- > implication (looks like a right pointing arrow)
- > biconditional (a bidirectional arrow)
- > negation (looks like a tilde)
- >
- > If I can find these, I'll be one step closer to getting one of the math
- > teachers here to use her PowerMac like a Mac and not use WordPerfect.
- The "standard" font Symbol has all these. Using Word 5.1, for example,
- choose Insert: Symbol... and then Font: Symbol. I don't see the symbol
- for xor, but you could apply underline or strikeout to the "or" symbol.
- The negation symbol available isn't tilde; it's the sort-of-L-on-its-side
- negation symbol. Use that, or just use a tilde, possibly with some subscript
- applied. I use Word only as an example; the font is independent of the app.
- ------------------------------
- Date: Mon, 3 Oct 1994 21:06:06 -0400
- From: ethan+@pitt.edu
- Subject: [A] Need help with MacX/MacTCP
- >>> On Wed, 28 Sep 94 08:51:09 EDT, beth@mtb.phil.mop.com (Beth Marsh) said:
- BM> I'm trying to get MacX going and have hit a roadblock. Whenever I
- BM> try to execute a remote command (usually xterm) I get the message
- BM> that the connection came halfway up and failed.
- <<orignial message continues, see below>>
- I'm not an expert, but when we had a similar problem here and one of
- our gurus fixed it to me and explained it somewhat. Let me see if I
- can do it justice. If your problem is similar, you'll need your own
- guru to fix it, but I have a workaround that might help.
- rexec (don't know about rlog, but possibly similar) is a bit like
- rlogin- it gets you authenticated on a remote host and lets you
- execute a command (or more) there. I know that MacX likes to use
- rexec. Unfortunately, not every system seems to support it. In
- particular, we had a problem when we installed AFS Kerberos- rexec
- wasn't honoring AFS logins.
- A workaround is to set up your MacX, disable access control, and then
- telnet to your host, and do something like:
- % xterm -display myhost.my.domain.edu:0
- or
- % setenv DISPLAY myhost.my.domain.edu:0; xterm&
- to get your first shell. Subsequent commands from that shell which
- open new windows should work fine. Thanks be to Dave Ward, who
- actually figured this out.
- Good luck!
- Ethan Benatan
- ethan+@pitt.edu
- BM> The error message
- BM> documentation indicates that it's a problem on the host end (a
- BM> Sun). I'm connecting through MacPPP to a Telebit netblazer. My
- BM> host won't allow me to connect for some reason. When I talked to
- BM> Apple about this they suggested that it was a problem with the
- BM> remote login capability not being enabled on the host. He
- BM> mentioned checking rlog and rexec.
- ------------------------------
- Date: 3 Oct 94 15:25:32 GMT
- From: ebratton@sparc51.cs.uiuc.edu (Erich Bratton)
- Subject: [Q] non-auto-mount partitions get mounted
- My Setup:
- Q610, 160meg internal drive, 1 gig external:partitioned into 5 partitions,one
- of which is set (via APS PowerTools) to be non-auto-mounted.
- Most of the time, the following occurs: The machine boots, and the order
- of the drives on the desktop is:
- Partition 1 (with system)
- Internal drive (no sys)
- part 2 (no sys)
- part 3 (no sys)
- part 4 (no sys)
- (partition 5 doesn't show up)
- Great! That's what I want.
- But, now, and a few times when I first got the drive, the following happens:
- Partition 1
- part 2
- part 3
- part 4
- part 5
- Internal drive
- ... even though I set partition 5 to be non-auto-mounted, it is!? Anybody know
- what could cause this kind of a change? booting with inits off doesn't change
- anything, and now I'm stuck with the auto-mounted setup... Help!
- Please email all answers and I will post a summary solution if I find one.
- NOTE: Booting with extensions off gives the CORRECT mounting of only the
- auto-mount partitions, but removing all extensions and control panels does
- not. What other things could cause this that are extensions, but not in
- the extensions or control panels folder?
- --Erich
- ------------------------------
- Date: Mon, 03 Oct 1994 14:22:33 -0300
- From: Al Best <Best@Gems.VCU.EDU>
- Subject: After Dark Fish/Toaster editor ... animation
- Question 1: Where can I get the Fish Editor?
- (I need a way to make a new Fish file ... 'cause
- I need a way to make something move across the screen.)
- Question 2: Is there a similar thing for Flying Toasters?
- (I need a way to move something diagonally across the
- screen)
- Question3: I need a way to animate a man jumping from
- the top of one "fish" or "toaster" to the other.
- Suggestions?
- THANX in advance!
- -----------
- Al Best, Dept of Biostatistics
- Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond VA 23298
- 804-828-9824
- Internet: Best@Ruby.VCU.Edu
- ------------------------------
- Date: 3 Oct 94 17:08:43 GMT
- From: priss@tcp.com (Lisa Richardson)
- Subject: Alternative StyleWriter II Cartridge
- In digest <36p5np$1cd@nntp.Stanford.EDU> Info-Mac@sumex-aim.stanford.edu
- writes:
- >I was just told by my local computer stuff supplier tha
- >"The Canon BJ Cartridge BC-01" will work in the StyleWriter II
- >Does anyone know or has anyone tried it? I also wonder if I could
- >use the "Clean Ink Cartridge" option. I don't know what the cartridge
- >for the StyleWriter looks like. Is it physically the same?
- The Stylewriter II printer, was said to be derived from the Canon Bubblejet
- printer. If you look at the IBM/Canon BJ printer and the Stylewriter II
- printer, they look almost the same with the variation of color and a few
- more buttons on the Canon printer. It would not be surprising if they use
- the same cartridges for ink. AS for the Clean Ink Cartridge, it has been
- suggested that it is not something you want to use since it is an inherit
- flaw that ruins cartridge. I do not know if that is true or not.
- --
- Lisa Richardson (aka Priss on about a half dozen MUCKs)
- priss@glia.biostr.washington.edu and/or priss@anime.tcp.com
- "Live fast, Die young, and make hearts melt as you go away" - Lisa Richardson
- Priss the MUF Wizard of _AnimeMUCK_ at anime.tcp.com ( 2035
- ------------------------------
- Date: Tue, 4 Oct 1994 09:35:55 -0400 (EDT)
- From: Luis Muench <muench@solix.fiu.edu>
- Subject: A TIA question
- Hello all:
- I am trying to get tia (the internet adapter) to work with a
- hardwire connection to a terminal server. Basically, it is the same as a
- dial in line (serial connection), but I don't have to wait for a line to
- be free for me to log in. I have configured tia on the unix box and it
- works fine...
- Problems arise when I try to use InterSLIP. I have configured
- MacTCP and all, but the problem I am getting is always accompanied by a
- dlog that says:"Interslip can't connect because the specified port's
- driver cannot be opened"!!!!! Upon reattempting to connect from the
- InterSLIP setup only results in a frozen mac. Bad crash, gotta nuke it to
- get out of it (restart).
- Help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- --Luis
- PS please email me directly at muench@solix.fiu.edu
- Thanx!
- ------------------------------
- Date: 03 Oct 94 21:45:23 EDT
- From: Charlie Summers <72257.140@compuserve.com>
- Subject: Audio Software Suggestions Requested
- Folks;
- I have recorded a number of old demo 78's (they are valuable to no one but
- my
- family) onto cassette, and now wish to process them to eliminate as much of the
- noice (pop & click, hiss, general age noise) from them as possible.
- Does anyone have a software (or hardware/software combination)
- recommendation
- that will allow me to perform this processing? For these recordings, money is
- not an object, but time (as always) is; the more the software can automate the
- procedure, the happier I will be.
- Since I am woefully behind in reading the Digest, I would appreciate
- responses sent to lof@mcimail.com, 72257.140@compuserve.com, or
- lofcom@aol.com.
- I will, if there is interest, summarize.
- Charlie Summers
- ------------------------------
- Date: Mon, 3 Oct 1994 14:41:41 -0400
- From: "W. R. Wing" <wrw@cosmail1.ctd.ornl.gov>
- Subject: Calendar Question
- A similar sized group of us here is happily using Now-Up-to-Date. It has a
- few minor shortcommings (such as not being able to use TCP/IP, it needs
- Appletalk), but it does exactly what you want in that it supports separate
- private and public calendars for each user. Information users put into
- their public calendars is then visable to everyone. In addition, it
- supports all the little extras such as pop-up alarms, multi-day
- commitments, To-Do lists, and repeating commitments. The competition is
- Meeting Maker, which also manages multiple people, but (in the version we
- checked out) doesn't seem to let everyone see everyone else's commitments.
- my own opinions of course...
- "W. R. Wing, Sr. Sci., Ofc. of Lab. Computing, Oak Ridge Nat. Lab."
- <wrw@ornl.gov>
- ------------------------------
- Date: Mon, 3 Oct 1994 10:28:39 -0600
- From: marks@boulder.nist.gov (Roger Marks)
- Subject: can't eject SyQuest disks with File Sharing on
- I can't eject SyQuest disks with File Sharing on, even though Sharing is
- disabled for the disk I'd like to remove.
- Is there a workaround?
- Thanks,
- Roger
- Marks@boulder.nist.gov NIST/Boulder, CO
- phone 303-497-3037 fax 303-497-7828
- ------------------------------
- Date: 3 Oct 1994 09:53:48 -0700
- From: "Bob Clemmons" <Bob_Clemmons@smtp.esl.com>
- Subject: cheapest laswer printer wit
- cheapest laswer printer with appletalk [R]10/3/94
- I bought a TI microWriter PS23 for around $700. It is a Postcript Level 1
- printer. My friend bought an LX-29000 for $595 from Printer Works in Hayward
- CA. (800-225-6116). This uses MicroSoft TrueImage (Postscript clone) and
- TrueType. Both of these printers are 300 dpi and connect to AppleTalk and PC
- simultaneously. I use mine for Mac only, my friend has a Mac and PC
- connected. Both printers have been working fine for the past 6 -12 months.
- Bob Clemmons
- bob_clemmons@smtp.esl.com
- ------------------------------
- Date: Tue, 4 Oct 1994 11:27:15 -0500 (CDT)
- From: "Traci J. Ingram" <tingram@services.dese.state.mo.us>
- Subject: Correction re LaserWriter Pro 630
- > Date: Fri, 30 Sep 94 13:56:21 EST
- > From: Btroen <BTROEN@UV1.IM.MED.UMICH.EDU>
- > Subject: LW Pro630 - automatically does both Mac and DOS/Windows
- > Traci Ingram states the following:
- "The 630 apparently must be explicitly changed back and forth (via
- software commands) between each different-protocol print job -- instead of
- being automatically re-configured, as is done with most competing printers
- in this price category."
- > I believe this is a mis-statement which seriously and wrongly impugns
- > the LaserWriter Pro 630.
- > We have a LW Pro 630 in an Ethernet environment with both Macs and
- > Windows/DOS machines on the network. Printing from either operating
- > system is transparent. In other words, we do NOT have to issue ANY
- > explicit commands to re-configure the printer. With my Mac II ci, I can
- > print easily seconds after a Windows user (and vice-a-versa). I just
- > issue a print command as usual and say OK to the resultant dialog box.
- > Bruce Troen
- Bruce, I stand corrected - although we are not the only 630 owners to be
- misled by the documentation. The 630 will automatically switch protocols,
- as well as accept simultaneous input from all ports (ethernet, parallel,
- etc.). After the 630 driver software is installed on the DOS/Windows
- client, standard Windows printer selection applies.
- As to wrongly impugning the 630: It has been replaced by the 16-600-PS
- (the new numbering scheme, meaning in this case 16 ppm, 600 dpi
- PostScript), so I hope that this point is somewhat moot. The printer has
- performed very well in our school library setting, and we just need to do
- some more work to get the 630 to print for the DOS machines.
- Best regards,
- Traci Ingam
- tingram@services.dese.state.mo.us | or | 101-8673@MCIMail.com
- ------------------------------
- Date: Tue, 4 Oct 94 08:47:11 +0100
- From: korthoud@montefiore.ulg.ac.be (Didier Korthoudt)
- Subject: DSP 660AV
- Hi everybody :)
- When I bought my 660AV six months ago, Apple said that a special release
- of QuickTime will be distributed which make use of the DSP to obtain full
- motion video.
- Since then, no news... :(
- Does someone know about extensions, or third party products, using the
- power of this superb DSP ?
- Thanks for all,
- Didier.
- ------------------------------
- Date: Mon, 3 Oct 1994 15:37:48 +0100
- From: Roland Whitehead <RoWhitehead@continum.demon.co.uk>
- Subject: Geoports
- Ryan Richard Ware requested
- >If you're a GeoPort user out there, would you recomend it?
- Well this has been sent via a Geoport from a 7100. It works. Its fast.
- It always seems to connect at 14400. But it has no indicator lights so
- once you are connected, you have no idea if annything is happening at all.
- For example, I have been playing around with different Gophers and have
- found myself worrying whether I have lost my connection.
- I also have a Mac'n'fax 14400 modem attached to an SE30 which I use for fax
- receive and ARA. This works fine and has all the indiactor lights but it
- is a little more expensive because of its internal gubbins. There is much
- more fax software available for the normal modem, by the way, as the
- Geoport uses Apple's Express Modem software and 2MB of RAM (My system is
- now at 4.9MB - thank God for RAMdoubler!).
- The only reason that I went for the Geoport was for the telecoms potential.
- I rather fancy throwing out my normal telephone and communicating through
- my Mac.
- Roland Whitehead
- ****** CONTINUUM * 92 Chertsey Road, Windlesham, Surrey, GU20 6BX, UK *****
- RoWhitehead@continum.demon.co.uk * Tel +44 276 476000 * Fax +44 276 452439
- ------------------------------
- Date: Mon, 3 Oct 1994 15:23:11 -0500
- From: James_Williams@MBnet.MB.CA (James Williams)
- Subject: Gremlins...
- Hello,
- I am trying to track down the origin of some unexplained activity that is
- occurring with regularity in my Macintosh. Two specific incidents puzzle
- me and so far I have been unable to explain them:
- (1) daily, at about 1430h my PB170 stops what it is doing and opens Eudora
- 1.4.3. It then opens a connection with Mbnet which is our local access to
- the internet. At this point it just appears to idle. I have looked
- everywhere to see if there exists an embedded or hidden command for it to
- do this - and I am unable to find anything to date.
- (2) in the afternoons, when I am not even touching the computer, suddenly
- there begins a flurry of HD activity and the next thing I see on the screen
- is that the computer has decided to open DiskLock. Nothing usually happens
- after this. Again, no explanations forthcoming.
- Configuration:
- PB170 8/120
- System 7.1
- Connected to Novell LAN via AppleTalk
- ARA off
- File Sharing/Program linking off
- Word, WP, FMPro, Persuasion, Project etc...
- Numerous DAs and extensions
- I am sure that there is a very logical explanation for this, but for the
- time being at least, it has eluded me. Any ideas floating out htere in the
- ether? Thank you in advance.
- Jim
- ------------------------------
- Date: Tue, 4 Oct 1994 11:59:24 -0500
- From: jim@pharmacop.com (Jim Mueller)
- Subject: Help with remote freeze?
- Before I do the ol' Extensions Shuffle again, I will ask netdom assembled
- wether this sounds familiar and what to do about it (I know, I know...
- rebuild the desktop- been there, done that.)
- My Quadra 840AV 16/500 CD will freeze solid (no force quit, no
- <command-power> to debugger) when I mount it from another machine as the
- owner (me) and open the (excuse the DOSish term) root-level of the hard
- disk. It won't freeze if deeper folders are accessed via Find, and it won't
- freeze if I copy or move files with DiskTop. The client Mac shows the
- AppleTalk <=> arrows on and the watch showing continuously until after
- timeout (I guess) it says "The AppleShare Server "Jims Q840AV 500" has
- unexpectedly shut down."
- Inspired by bits of other posts, I deleted the AppleShare PDS file and
- restarted. I could then mount my disk fine for a day or so. Next time I
- tried it froze.
- Any suggestions beyond a more rigorous scientific method?
- Jim Mueller- LAN Baron jim@pharmacopeia.com
- ------------------------------
- Date: Mon, 3 Oct 1994 15:38:08 +0100
- From: Roland Whitehead <RoWhitehead@continum.demon.co.uk>
- Subject: Info-Mac Digest V12 #113
- >Please can you help. When I worked in the USA I used to read info mac
- >digests form our local server. Now that I'm in the Netherlands I have no
- >idea how to get access to these. Can I subscribe to them? If so is there
- >a site in Europe that I could get them from. Thanks.
- There is an excellent mirror to UMich and Summex at Imperial College in the
- UK. They seem to update every night as I have found things available only
- posted the day before. They have some funny Unix compression bits on top
- of the usual .hqx and so it is worth while putting a period before your
- address in the password of FTP access. With Fetch you should then add a
- .gz suffix to the suffix mapping preferences and using MacGzip 0.2.2 to
- uncompress them. This will provide you with .hqx, .sea .sit or .cpt files
- which you must manually expand using the appropriate expansion utility.
- You could also subrcibe directly to the Info-Mac which is what I do.
- Roland Whitehead
- ------------------------------
- Date: Mon, 03 Oct 1994 12:41:55 -0500
- From: sfkaplan@amherst.edu (Scott Kaplan)
- Subject: Info-Mac Digest V12 #130
- >I loaded in 7.5 from CD-ROM yesterday to try to fix my problems with
- >RamDoubler and other hangups. Instead of getting any relief, I have found
- >7.5 to be abysmally SLOW. I often experience delays when trying to select
- >an icon of up to 5 seconds!. Starting file sharing can take several
- >minutes, and even took 67 seconds after I tried deleting the PDS files for
- >each of the four partitions. (Formerly, this would take about 8-10
- >seconds).
- I had the same problem initially...I then decided to remove PowerTalk (and
- would have removed QuickDraw GX, had I installed it in the first place.)
- My speed is back to what it was under System 7.1.
- Not to make sweeping generalizations, but, PowerTalk seems not only
- thoroughly unimpressive, but a horrible resource hog. Try taking it out
- and see what happens.
- Scott Kaplan
- sfkaplan@amherst.edu
- ------------------------------
- Date: Mon, 3 Oct 1994 12:14:29 -0400
- From: geoffb@coos.dartmouth.edu (Thumper)
- Subject: Laserwriter Pro 630 opinions wanted (reply)
- In comp.sys.mac.digest Traci Ingram writes:
- >Our school has had good luck with the L/W Pro 630 in an all-Mac setting,
- >using the printer's built-in ethernet. However, I am fairly certain that
- >we will experience "manual hair loss" after adding DOS/Windoze clients:
- >The 630 apparently must be explicitly changed back and forth (via
- >software commands) between each different-protocol print job -- instead of
- >being automatically re-configured, as is done with most competing printers
- >in this price category.
- This is and is not true.
- The Laserwriter Pro will support multiple protocols at one time but not on
- a single port. This is usually switched via a hardware switch but the
- settings can be changed in software if you really want to (I prefer to
- throw a switch).
- Since it has a LocalTalk port, an RS-232 serial port, an EtherNet port AND
- a parallel port it is usually possible to satisfy all customers by
- choosing which ports support Postscript and which ports support HP PCL 4
- with some care.
- If your DOS/Windows users are simply generating Postscript output then
- things are very easy since that is what Mac clients are generating too.
- NOTE -> we can't get LW Pro 630s here because Apple has apparently cut off
- the supply in favor of a new version of the printer that uses the newer 12
- ppm print engine. The new printer is due to be announced this month.
- Your mileage may vary.
- -Geoff
- ------------------------------
- Date: Mon, 3 Oct 94 13:13:26 EDT
- From: Tom Coradeschi <tcora@pica.army.mil>
- Subject: loading image in MacWeb
- marks@boulder.nist.gov wrote:
- >When I try to load a GIF image in MacWeb, I get a message something like:
- >"Viewing application not found. Do you want to open one manually?"
- >
- >Is MacWeb just acting up, or do I really need to go out and get a viewer?
- >If so, which one should I use, and how can I get MacWeb to open it
- >automatically?
- Hmmm. Question: does the filename end with .gif? WWW viewers rely on file
- name extensions to determine file type, best I can tell.
- Also, it depends on how you're referencing the image. If it's an inlined
- image, say: <img src="image.gif"> then it should appear in MacWeb.
- However, if you have a Hypertext REFerence to it, say: <A HREF="image.gif">,
- then you'll need a viewer to see it. Best bet is to grab JPEGView. Look
- here (or in the Info-Mac mirrors):
- http://www.med.cornell.edu/~giles/projects.html
- tom coradeschi <+> tcora@pica.army.mil
- http://k-whiner.pica.army.mil/
- ------------------------------
- Date: Tue, 04 Oct 1994 10:56:20 +0100
- From: pjorgens@ubvms.cc.buffalo.edu (Peter Jorgensen)
- Subject: Looking for a Font [A]
- >Date: Mon, 03 Oct 94 09:37:48 -0400
- >From: "Keith E Gatling" <kgatling@mailbox.syr.edu>
- >Subject: Looking for a Font [Q]
- >
- >I'm looking for a math font that includes the following five symbols:
- >
- > logical and (looks like a "V")
- > logical or (looks like an upside down "V")
- > implication (looks like a right pointing arrow)
- > biconditional (a bidirectional arrow)
- > negation (looks like a tilde)
- >
- >If I can find these, I'll be one step closer to getting one of the math
- >teachers here to use her PowerMac like a Mac and not use WordPerfect.
- I believe good ol' Symbol has these characters. Check it out.
- Peter Jorgensen University at Buffalo, ASCIT, Info. Tech. Services
- 201 Capen Hall, Buffalo NY, 14260
- pjorgens@ubvms.cc.buffalo.edu 716-645-3879
- The opinions expressed are those of the author.
- ------------------------------
- Date: Mon, 3 Oct 94 19:53:28 +0100
- From: Brian Gery Hilfsassistent bei "R." Siegwart SS94 <gery@ifr.mavt.ethz.ch>
- Subject: Looking for a program...
- Hello-
- I was wondering if you guys know of a piece of software that forces the
- machine to wait a little longer before booting from the hard disk.
- My IIci has a power supply problem that makes the hard drive spin up about
- 5 seconds later than it should. Because of this, the diagnostics in the
- beginning think that there is no hard drive present, giving me a sad mac.
- If the Start Manager would wait a few seconds, the drive would be up to speed
- and the machine wouldn't die.
- Any ideas?
- Brian
- Gery
- ------------------------------
- Date: Mon, 03 Oct 94 16:34:55 -0400
- From: "Keith E Gatling" <kgatling@mailbox.syr.edu>
- Subject: Looking for MailSlot
- I just saw a program called MailSlot mentioned in "Mac Shareware 500."
- Does anyone know where I can find a copy of it?
- Thanks a lot!
- keg
- * kgatling@mailbox.syr.edu I've got plenty of opinions. Just ask my wife! *
- ------------------------------
- Date: Tue, 4 Oct 1994 00:36:36 GMT
- From: Sven Guckes <guckes@inf.fu-berlin.de>
- Subject: Looking for thumbnail icon maker s/w?
- >Has anyone heard of a Mac offline reader for USENET called MacSoup?
- >I haven't seen an URL for it if it is available via the net.
- Ask the author: stk@contrib.de (Stefan Kurth)
- Sven [And give him my regards!]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Mon, 3 Oct 1994 17:28:36 +0000
- From: Analysis@sheffield.ac.uk (Peter Smith, Analysis)
- Subject: Maclink (version 8 when???)
- Then subject line really says it all. But to spell it out: The journal I edit
- use FrameMaker on a Mac, so makes heavy use of the various ??? --> MIF filters
- available in MacLink Plus. We currently have version 7. But even version 7.5
- came out over a year ago (I think), so an update seems overdue both for us and
- for MacLink. I *think* I saw reference somewhere to the imminent release of a
- new version, but the UK suppliers I've tried don't seem to know about this.
- So -- *is* a version 8 about to appear? If so when? (Or should we belatedly
- upgrade to 7.5?)
- Thanks in advance for any info.
- Peter Smith
- The Editor of ANALYSIS, Peter Smith, Dept. of Philosophy,
- University of Sheffield, Sheffield S10 2TN. UK
- analysis@sheffield.ac.uk
- ------------------------------
- Date: Mon, 3 Oct 1994 16:47:37 +0200
- From: nj@sunstation.fusl.ac.be (Nicolas Jungers)
- Subject: MacMakeIndex and TeX software
- All TeX software is to be found on a CTAN (comprehensive TeX archive
- network) server. There are 3 of them:
- ftp.tex.ac.uk ( -- UK
- ftp.shsu.edu ( -- USA
- ftp.dante.de ( -- Germany
- you also can find some mirrors.
- Nicolas
- -----------------------------------------------
- | Nicolas Jungers --> nj@sunstation.fusl.ac.be |
- -----------------------------------------------
- ------------------------------
- Date: Mon, 03 Oct 94 17:28:11 PDT
- From: Vegemite@eworld.com
- Subject: Mac OS v7.5
- I've just recently upgraded to the latest system software and I'm very happy
- with Apple's efforts. I have found the Finder to much faster and, along with
- many other things, I love all of the enhancements to the many control panels.
- Having a scriptable Finder is almost worth the price in itself.
- I purchased the CD version which has MANY more items contained than does the
- floppy-disk version. Along with being able to install directly from the CD,
- the CD also contains disk images permiting you to create installation disks.
- Anyway, just adding my favorable vote to Apple's latest.
- Michael Surtees
- ------------------------------
- Date: Mon, 3 Oct 94 11:50:25 PDT
- From: doug@cam.paramax.com (Doug Hardie)
- Subject: MacTCP Interface
- Does MacTCP have a direct interface at the IP level that would enable a
- version of traceroute to be created for it? It would need to be able to
- send IP datagrams with the TTL field specified by the application.
- Does MacTCP support a route table that would enable multiple
- "default" paths to be establised for different IP address groups?
- -- Doug
- ------------------------------
- Date: Fri, 30 Sep 1994 17:50:03 -0500
- From: clarkw@sam.neosoft.com (Clark R. Wilkins)
- Subject: More on the RamDoubler conflicts with PPC6100
- After spending almost an entire day testing with a demo version of Conflict
- Catcher, I have found the following conflicts:
- - Disinfectant Init and Autoclock extension both cause multiple way
- conflicts that cause CC to
- blame other extensions erroneously. The testing algorithm for CC may need
- a bit of work to
- look out for these sorts of things.
- - With both of these out of the way, I found that SCSI Manager 4.3 is
- conflicting with ARA 2.0.
- With SCSI Manager 4.3 out of the way, the machine seems to be working
- properly.
- Keep in mind my contention that this problem is *directly* influenced by
- the presence of
- RamDoubler 1.5. This was absolutely reproducible.
- [I excised the extensive system profile. Please contact Clark for a copy. -isl]
- Clark R. Wilkins <clarkw@sam.neosoft.com>
- -My words are responsible for themselves-
- ------------------------------
- Date: Tue, 04 Oct 1994 09:17:59 -0400
- From: "Michael E. Grabenstein" <mikeg@sun.gsfc.nasa.gov>
- Subject: PowerTalk on an Powermac/AV (Q)
- When I tell the computer to restart or shutdown it askes me if I
- really want to. About 1 out of every hundred times it will accept me
- saying "OK."
- Is it just because I have a northern accent with a southern draw?
- (That's what you get for being in the middle. :-)
- Is there anything I can do to improve it's recognition?
- May be a Speech Macro I could put in?
- I am assumming that the confirmation string it is looking for is
- "OK" am I correct? (Blasted manual is around here some where I know it
- is.. ;-)
- Thanks,
- Mike, Michael.Grabenstein@gsfc.nasa.gov
- UNIX Administrator GSFC Libraries Project
- ------------------------------
- Date: Mon, 03 Oct 1994 16:54:56 +0100
- Subject: Program to read forms ? [Q]
- Hallo,
- Is there a Macintosh program (or programs) known, that
- can read (paper) forms, for example a questionaire where
- one can fill checkboxes to answer some questions.
- I am looking for a Mac program that can read those forms, by
- scanning them and than translating to a number (or whatever).
- nico.rozendaal@np.rulimburg.nl
- ------------------------------
- Date: Tue, 4 Oct 1994 03:03:30 -0500
- From: clarkw@sam.neosoft.com (Clark R. Wilkins)
- Subject: RamDoubler problems resolved with 1.51 updater
- The read-me that came with the 1.51 updater (available from Sumex) stated
- that the Problem with SCSI Manager 4.3 was resolved. I am quite happy to
- report this is the case. Thanks to all who contributed.
- Clark R. Wilkins <clarkw@sam.neosoft.com>
- -My words are responsible for themselves-
- ------------------------------
- Date: Tue, 04 Oct 1994 17:16:14 +0100
- Subject: retail addresses in Dallas, Texas.
- I'm in Dallas, Texas, the end of this month, and since I'm
- in the market for a new Mac, I like to have some addresses
- and phone/fax numbers of retailers overthere.
- Thanks in advance,
- Gerrit.
- ------------------------------
- Date: Tue, 4 Oct 94 6:42:47 EDT (1042Z)
- From: MG John Fryer <fryerj@pentagon-emh5.army.mil>
- Subject: Statistics--What Are the Best Programs?
- My son is working toward an MBA at the University of Chicago and needs a
- good Mac statistics program. I note that the major programs advertised in
- MacUser and MacWorld are in the $600+ range. Are there any good programs
- that cost far less? Regardless of cost, how do the various programs stack
- up in terms of capabilities? Obviously, a program designed for
- business/finance use would not need all of the features of a fully robust
- scientific program. I would appreciate any advice anyone on the net could
- give me. Thanks.
- ------------------------------
- Date: Mon, 3 Oct 1994 20:14:12 -0500
- From: jimali@halcyon.com (James B. MacGregor)
- Subject: TurboGopher
- Something I did caused the loss of the server identity in my TurboGopher
- configuration file. I have re-read the "Internet Starter Kit" in an attempt
- to replace it, but cannot find the correct the correct server ID. Can youj
- help me?? (No matter what server I ask for a gopher for, I get a cannot
- find response.
- 8-) Jim
- ------------------------------
- Date: Mon, 3 Oct 1994 23:52:33 -0700
- From: ace@tidbits.com (Adam C. Engst)
- Subject: TurboGopher
- >Something I did caused the loss of the server identity in my TurboGopher
- >configuration file. I have re-read the "Internet Starter Kit" in an attempt
- >to replace it, but cannot find the correct the correct server ID. Can youj
- >help me?? (No matter what server I ask for a gopher for, I get a cannot
- >find response.
- If you throw out your TurboGopher Prefs file (or move it out of the
- Preferences folder) and then start TurboGopher, you'll get the defaults,
- which include the Gopher Home Server. I think the two servers are:
- gopher.tc.umn.edu
- gopher2.tc.umn.edu
- cheers ... -Adam
- --
- Adam C. Engst, TidBITS Editor -- ace@tidbits.com -- info@tidbits.com
- ------------------------------
- Date: Mon, 03 Oct 1994 12:49:21 -0500
- From: sfkaplan@amherst.edu (Scott Kaplan)
- Subject: Virtual Memory Conundrum (A)
- >I have a little over 12 mb of free space on the boot-up partition of my
- >hard drive which I want to use as virtual memory. When I open the Memory
- >Control Panel, turn on virtual memory and set its size, I can go no higher
- >than 12mb -- which seems logical enough. As I calculate it,this should
- >give me a working RAM of 20mb -- 8mb built-in plus 12mb of virtual memory.
- Apple's Virtual Memory doesn't work this way. It's not a case of "Take my
- 8 megs and add the space I'm allocating on my hard drive." When you set
- Virtual Memory to 12 megs, that means, "12 megs of my drive will be used,
- and that will be my total memory, and my RAM will be used only to load in
- the recently used segments of that 12 megs off my hard drive."
- It's not the most space-effective method of virtual memory, as you're
- using hard drive space and RAM redundantly. However, it is faster, as any
- chunck of memory in RAM that has to be swapped out will always be written
- to the same place on the drive. (Similarly for loading segments from the
- drive into RAM.) So when you had 16 megs of Virtual before, you had
- allocated all 16 megs on the drive, and your RAM served essentially as a
- cache of sorts.
- Connectix makes their own version of Virtual. It can work this way, or in
- the way you expected, but with a speed loss.
- Hope this helps...
- Scott Kaplan
- sfkaplan@amherst.edu
- ------------------------------
- Date: Tue, 04 Oct 1994 11:09:50 +0100
- From: pjorgens@ubvms.cc.buffalo.edu (Peter Jorgensen)
- Subject: Virtual Memory Conundrum (A)
- >I have a little over 12 mb of free space on the boot-up partition of my
- >hard drive which I want to use as virtual memory. When I open the Memory
- >Control Panel, turn on virtual memory and set its size, I can go no higher
- >than 12mb -- which seems logical enough. As I calculate it,this should
- >give me a working RAM of 20mb -- 8mb built-in plus 12mb of virtual memory.
- The way virtual memory works is that ALL of the RAM (real or virtual) must
- be mapped to the virtual memory disk file. In other words, the virtual
- memory really means the total memory available to the system, true RAM plus
- simulated RAM. So, in your case, you're simulating 4MB of RAM and providing
- 8MB of swap space on the disk for the real RAM you've got installed.
- Peter Jorgensen University at Buffalo, ASCIT, Info. Tech. Services
- 201 Capen Hall, Buffalo NY, 14260
- pjorgens@ubvms.cc.buffalo.edu 716-645-3879
- The opinions expressed are those of the author.
- ------------------------------
- Date: Mon, 3 Oct 94 22:51:41 GMT
- From: peters@knoware.nl (Robert H. Peters)
- Subject: Will GeoPort support 28K8 speed?
- On FTP.SUPPORT.APPLE.COM ( you can find the new GeoPort
- 660AV_840AV (1.2.2) software.
- The Read me document states: "QuickDraw GX is not compatible with this
- version of GeoPort software. If you install QuickDraw GX, you won't be able
- to send faxes until a new version of GeoPort software (2.0 or later) is
- available later this year..."
- The question is: Will or can GeoPort 2.0 support 28K8 bps speeds? I am told
- that it is a matter of Apple licensing software from AT&T. Is this correct?
- Or is it a matter of programming the DSP-chip?
- All the brand name modems are moving up to 28K8. Let all GeoPort
- 660AV_840AV users unite and ask for 28K8 speeds. Or could we even go beyond
- that limit?
- Robert
- ------------------------------
- Date: Tue, 4 Oct 94 7:12:11 PDT
- From: Info-Mac Moderator <macmod>
- (5.65c/IDA-1.4.4 for info-mac@sumex-aim.stanford.edu); Tue, 4 Oct 1994 03:21:43
- -0700
- Received: by tidbits.com (uA-1.6v2); Mon, 3 Oct 94 22:28:28 PDT
- From: ace@tidbits.com (Adam C. Engst)
- To: info-mac@sumex-aim.stanford.edu, MAC-L@YALEVM.BITNET
- Subject: [*] TidBITS#246/03-Oct-94
- Date: Mon, 3 Oct 94 22:28:28 PDT
- Organization: TidBITS
- Reply-To: ace@tidbits.com (Adam C. Engst)
- Message-Id: <D2150083.bcdgcs@tidbits.com>
- X-Mailer: uAccess - Macintosh Release: 1.6v2
- TidBITS#246/03-Oct-94
- Plenty of MailBITS about happenings in the computer industry lead
- off the issue, including important notes about Photoshop 3.0 and
- Apple's announcement of new PowerPC-based Performa models.
- Solitaire Till Dawn 2.0 just came out with fifteen new games,
- plans for the second annual WWW conference unfold, Tonya
- announces her Word 6 Starter Kit, and the issue draws to a
- close with the first part of an article discussing Internet
- firewalls.
- Topics:
- MailBITS/03-Oct-94
- Solitaire Till Dawn Again
- Second International WWW Conference
- Word 6 Starter Kit
- Firewalls, Part I
- Reviews/03-Oct-94
- [Archived as /info-mac/per/tb/tidbits-246.etx; 29K]
- ------------------------------
- End of Info-Mac Digest
- ******************************